Fremdsprachen | Englisch | Business English

    Business English

    English is the language of international business, and more and more German companies are thinking and acting globally. First contacts with potential customers, small talk while eating out, product presentations or signing a contract – these may be situations that have to be mastered in English in a business or technical context.

    Our courses will help you acquire the necessary language skills. We offer a programme of evening classes, weekend seminars and intensive courses (also as part of the official educational leave programme) that you can combine as required to expand and improve your English communication skills at work.

    For these courses you should have acquired English at the Waystage (A2) level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF), and you should have a good command of spoken English in everyday situations.

    You will also be able to take the internationally recognized Business English Certificate Vantage (B2) examination. We will prepare you for this examination.

    Please make use of our placement service, which will help you to realistically assess your English knowledge.
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    Mo. 05.02.2024 19.45 Uhr
    Mi. 07.02.2024 18.00 Uhr
    Mo. 05.02.2024 19.45 Uhr
    Mo. 27.05.2024 08.30 Uhr
    Teilzeit Bildungsurlaub
    Mo. 01.07.2024 08.30 Uhr
    Mo. 19.08.2024 08.30 Uhr
    Mo. 26.08.2024 08.30 Uhr
    Mo. 18.11.2024 08.30 Uhr


    Stephanie Dieckhoff, Tel. +49 531 2412-105